Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yeh hey India meri jaan!!!

NHAI starts fencing of the Delhi Gurgaon the Hindusthan Times news article on Monday the 23rd February 2009.
The move was to discourage pedestrians from crossing the busy expressway.As many as 45 pedestrians have been killed and more than 50 injured on the 27.7 km expressway which has just two subways at the distance of 18 km.

Now the question is "Do we Indians really need such measures to make us follow basic rules and regulations?" Or are we Indians just a fun loving people who throw caution to the wind?
Are we careless people who care a hoot for what can happen to our lives and the life of others?

My personal opinion is that our roads can be decongested by 10-15% if we Indians decide to follow the basic traffic rules and have a better traffic sense.Our roads can be decongested a further 20% if instead of adding new roads,we make our existing roads "drive worthy".

But the basic question still lingers in my mind? why are we not law abiding citizens?Why do we jump red lights when the traffic police turns the other way?why do we not stand in queues while boarding or deboarding the metro ( my favorite topic).Why do we seek the easy way out in anything and everything we do ( My alien you have any answers?).
Is it a lack of a strong enforcing agency ( like in Saudi Arabia where the punishment for offenders are severe?).Or are our enforcing mechanism bad ( refer the lawyers and cops clash in Chennai).
Or our courts where cases have been pending for decades altogether that 1) if a accused is really guilty,he would have undergone his imprisonment by the time the verdict comes 2) if the accused is not guilty,he would have lost a good part of his life behind bars or suffering the stigma of being an accused.
No ..the basic root cause is our attitude.We know that we can do things and get away without being caught.And if in a bluemoon we got caught,we can escape with a 100 rupee not,if not even lesser.

Parting Shot:
Indians, countrymen, be patient till the last. We will go on and on but will not change.Our system is bad and we have no role in making this worse.We are just mute spectators to this.We as individuals can do nothing apart from swimming with the tide.Isnt this thought consoling?


Unknown said...

I agree with the author completely that what is lacking is the average Indian attitude. An immoral and unscrupulous behaviour is at large treated as smartness. It is time we realise that breaking lines to board buses and metros faster is not an achievement but simply bad beahviour.

Further it never ceases to amazaze me that the very same Indians who are corrupt and inefficent at home are lauded for their hard work and integrity abroad.They have no difficulty following rules there ..

ANONYMOUS ... hope the saudagar allows this post sans editing.

Unknown said...

Dear saudagar...nice posts ...some what akin to the bhashans we discussed earlier..but nevertheless sincere .. I hope those who read it become more socially aware and motivated ...see if u can write something on the Surajkunnd and the other rivers in the NCR region.